
Quick-start to running benchmarks.

Benchmarks, i.e. executions of your program under test, can be generated automatically using the script. This script has many options, including two different back-ends: slurm and GNU Parallel. The submission script is written in Perl to ease it’s contained text-parsing tasks and can be easily extended or changed to fit your specific situation.

Getting Simsala

The first step is to get the simsala script collection itself. This can be done by cloning the repository to some path. Additionally, it is recommended for this tutorial to immediately also add it to the $PATH, so that we can use the provided scripts without paths later.

cd /tmp
git clone
export PATH=$PATH:/tmp/simsala

Resource Limiting and Relation to RunLim

By default, RunLim is used as resource limiter. The path to the runlim executable should be supplied by --runlim. Other tools may be added later, or just be used as wrapper call around the executable in form of a script being supplied to the -e executable parameter. The --time and --space commands are translated to parameters to runlim but are not required. If no runlim was found, the limiting parameters are ignored and the tasks are submitted directly.


Submit Jobs to a Slurm Cluster -e <path to executable> -n <jobname> --time <timeout in seconds> -p "`ls -d /some/folder/with/data/*.data`" --cpus_per_task 2 > task.txt

This script will immediately submit all matched files to slurm and places generated log-files into the current working directory.

Generate Run-Script to be Executed Locally -e <path to executable> -n <jobname> --time <timeout in seconds> -p "`ls -d /some/folder/with/data/*.data`" --cpus_per_task 2 --gnuparallel >
chmod +x

Execute this script on the desired host using ./ Results will be placed into the current working directory.

Dealing With Log-Files and Conflicting Filenames

The logs are created by combining the task name with the name of the file. If multiple directories are searched through and one may have conflicting filenames, the --fullpaths option may help. It replaces the short filenames with full absolute paths to the input files converted to valid filenames.

Directory Structure

It is recommended to have a simple directory structure to put the output of benchmarks in, as this eases analyzing the results afterwards. One experiment is a folder containing many different configurations, each configuration representing one call to with many individual runs of the program under test. The experiment then has many different folders of different configurations, most commonly having a regular naming scheme encoding the important parameters in the folder names.


When using folder names well, one can create benchmarks in bulk, greatly speeding up generating results. Let’s say one has the programs program1, program2, and program3. They all have one configuration option, depth, which may be set arbitrarily. In this case, we just use 10, 20, and 30. All this should be run over multiple datasets, inputset1, inputset2, and inputset3. We assume the input sets to lie in a folder names inputs next to the experiment folder, the programs themselves are also next to the experiments folder.

One creates an experiment folder for this, using regular mkdir, like mkdir experiment. Then, after cd experiment, one creates all folders for the individual benchmarks:

mkdir program{1,2,3}_depth{10,20,30}_inputset{1,2,3}

This generates the whole folder structure. Now, should be called for every folder with the correct parameters. This can also be achieved by combining bash with awk. First, we extract all information we need, using:

for d in *; do
    e="../../"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $1 }');
    depth=$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print substr($2,6) }');
    inp="../../inputs/"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $3 }');
    echo $e $depth $inp;

The command above gives the following structured output:

../../program1 10 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program1 10 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program1 10 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program1 20 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program1 20 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program1 20 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program1 30 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program1 30 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program1 30 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program2 10 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program2 10 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program2 10 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program2 20 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program2 20 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program2 20 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program2 30 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program2 30 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program2 30 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program3 10 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program3 10 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program3 10 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program3 20 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program3 20 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program3 20 ../../inputs/inputset3/
../../program3 30 ../../inputs/inputset1/
../../program3 30 ../../inputs/inputset2/
../../program3 30 ../../inputs/inputset3/

These variables may now be used to easily call! But first, we need to step into the correct directory, to the working directory can serve as target. This can be integrated into the command:

for d in *; do
    e="../../"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $1 }');
    depth=$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print substr($2,6) }');
    inp="../../inputs/"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $3 }');
    cd $d;
    cd ..;

Now, only needs to be called. The script is assumed to be in the $PATH for easier explanation. We give every task a time limit of 1 hour (3600 seconds) and 8000MB of space, which are by default enforced by RunLim. By default, slurm assigns two CPUs to each task, negating eventual hyperthreading issues. As has no --depth parameter, it passes it on to the executable.

for d in *; do
    e="../../"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $1 }');
    depth=$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print substr($2,6) }');
    inp="../../inputs/"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $3 }');
    cd $d; -n depthsweep -e $e --time 3600 --space 8000 -p "`ls -d $inp/*`" --depth $depth > task.txt;
    cd ..;

The above script now runs all tasks and logs are put into the corresponding folders. Now we can analyze this! If we don’t have access to slurm, this can also be done directly inline using GNU Parallel, like this:

for d in *; do
    e="../../"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $1 }');
    depth=$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print substr($2,6) }');
    inp="../../inputs/"$(echo $d | awk -F _ '{ print $3 }');
    cd $d; -n depthsweep -e $e --time 3600 --space 8000 -p "`ls -d $inp/*`" --gnuparallel --depth $depth >;
    cd ..;

This produces a bunch of output and takes a while, depending on what the programs program{1,2,3} are doing internally. To see what this looks like when done, this archive contains such a finished run.